Éiteas na Scoile Our School Ethos

In Gaelscoil Aodha Rua, we have a strong Gaelic ethos, where we immerse the children not only in the Irish language, but also in all aspects of the Irish culture and heritage, including Gaelic sports, music, dance and literature. We instil in the children a pride in our Irish identity, yet encourage them to respect and appreciate the languages and cultures of other nationalities and communities.
Our school is a child-centred school and is a happy place of learning for all. The warm welcoming atmosphere in the school is tangible and the dedication of staff, both teaching and non-teaching is the back-bone of our success. We aim to make learning a fun and interactive experience for the children and to provide them with a wide range of activities, both curricular and extra-curricular, to enhance their learning experience. All staff are addressed by their first names and every single staff member has an important role to play in caring for our pupils and ensuring that they are happy and safe at school.
We have a culture of high expectation within our school, not only with regards to the standards of education provided, but also in the case of the professionalism of the staff and the behaviour of the children. We encourage every child to strive to meet their maximum potential and all staff are encouraged to seize opportunities for continuous professional development. We have an excellent working relationship with our parent community and provide support and guidance to parents on how best to support their child's learning.
We are a community-based school and have strong links with a range of local sporting and cultural organisations, including the local GAA clubs, Feis Dhún Geanainn, Campa Chormaic and An Chraobh Rua. We work closely with the Irish language development officer at Mid-Ulster Council and with the Dungannon Gaelic Forum. We are also very proud to have hosted the newly re-established ‘Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éirinn’ traditional music classes. We work in partnership with a range of local charities, including Team Hope, Saint Vincent de Paul, The Hygiene Bank, Kindness of Strangers and The Lourdes Committee and encourage our pupils to be grateful for all that is good in their lives and to be compassionate towards those less fortunate than ourselves.
We welcome children from all religious denominations and those of no particular faith. We prepare children for the Catholic sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation, however, decisions regarding participation in the sacraments are fully at the discretion of parents. We say daily prayers, sing hymns and celebrate all of the major religious festivals and we have our own Irish speaking chaplain. We play an active role in parish life and co-ordinate the annual Irish language mass on St. Patrick's Day each year.
We are immensely proud of all that has been achieved in our school since it's establishment in 2011 and look forward to all that the future has in store ...