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Gaelscoil Aodha Rua, Dungannon

Iriseoirí den scoth i Rang 7 - Great journalists in Rang 7

2nd Mar 2020

Faoi láthair, tá Rang 7 ag obair ar thionscnamh a bhaineann le tuiscint chriticiúil a fhorbairt ar na meáin. Gach Céadaoin, faigheann siad cóip den nuachtán 'The Irish News' agus bionn tascanna difriúla le déanamh againn bunaithe ar an nuachtán. Tá tuiscint níos fearr ag na páistí anois ar an dóigh a bhfuil an nuachtán leagtha amach agus an méid nuachta a dtiocfadh linn a fháil ón pháipéar gach lá.

Rang 7 are currently working hard on a Critical Literacy Project on media. We are focusing on the newspaper and each Wednesday, every child receives a copy of The Irish News. Each week, we have a different task to do based on the news of the week, to test our understanding of the newspaper. So far it has been a great learning curve for the children as they have a greater understanding of the layout of a newspaper as well as the amount of news that is provided to us in a newspaper every day.